And his mount! How can earthly words describe it! It towered ten feet at the shoulder; had four legs on either side; a broad flat tail, larger at the tip than at the root, and which it held straight out behind while running; a gaping mouth which split its...

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Why grow at all? What does a life of growth and progress look like? When is it defined and completed? Have you ever felt there’s more for you to learn, share and grow into? This need to become more and drive towards a vision of the future puts you at...

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You know the feeling and even dread. Gulp. The blank page syndrome. Empty. Nothing. No matter how hard you’re trying, you’re at a loss for words. And yes, you guessed it, your time to deliver your best, is at the door. But you’re not sure...

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It but remains for this council to command, and Tal Hajus must prove his fitness to rule. Were he a brave man he would invite Tars Tarkas to combat, for he does not love him, but Tal Hajus is afraid; Tal Hajus, your jeddak, is a coward. With my bare hands I...

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Why and when would I want to use a Gallery view? Is there a way to customize the gallery view? Excellent question. Gallery view creates the solution that allows for access to visual information in a different modality and ways of thinking. Sometimes you want...

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Like its master, it was entirely devoid of hair, but was of a dark slate color and exceeding smooth and glossy....

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